School of Education, HTML Version (OCT 2001)
- Stage: Production (www.education.uconn.edu)
School of Education, FLASH Version (JAN 2002)
- Stage: Production (www.education.uconn.edu/indexflash.html)
(requires Flash 5+ player)
- Connecticut
Global Fuel Cell Center,
(Flash design & partial HTML coding, DEC
- Stage: Production (www.engr.uconn.edu/ctfuelcell)
(requires Flash 5+ player)
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engreering,
(Flash design & partial HTML coding, JAN 2003)
- Stage: Production (www.engr.uconn.edu/ece)
(requires Flash 5+ player)
- An
Online Guide To WebCT Navigation, Flash Version (FEB 2003)
- Stage: Beta
(requires Flash 5+ player)
- GE
Fund Information Technology Clinic, (NOV 2003)
- Stage: Production (www.engr.uconn.edu/ge_itc)
(requires Flash 6+/MX player)
- HAIBEI.NET: My Homepage
(AUG 2002)
- Stage: (always) Beta

(requires Flash 5+ player)